December 10, 2013

At The Little Drummer Boy Brunch, a community event held in the spirit of sharing a gift of PRESENCE with one another in order to find time away from the rush of PRESENTS, there was a conversation about Mary’s song.  We held magnifying glasses in our hands and talked about the word magnify.  Does it make things bigger which are almost impossible to see, does it make something big even bigger.  Here’s our box:  Image


My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my saviour. — Luke 1:46-47

The image of Mary kneels in front of the images.  There are images of the Annunciation, of the journey to Bethlehem, of the stable birth, and of cross.  Mary, present at all, with her ‘soul magnifying the Lord’.  

Mary lived a gift of presence as a witness to God’s love.  God’s love  is lived out in presence with us in all things, from days of blessing to days of despair and grief.  

Our lives have the ability to magnify God’s love when we care for one another.  We open this box on the day of Nelson Mandela’s funeral. Mandela lived a life that cared for justice and forgiveness and helped to build the rainbow nation of South Africa.  His vision for a peaceful country must have been almost impossible to see from his dark days of prison.  He continued to work and pray.  He continued to believe change was possible.  

Our lives may not have that kind of reach, but we can make a difference.  We can let God’s love be magnified in our living.  We can truly care for others.  We can be people of hope and peace.

We can live presence with one another.


December 8, 2013

We were back at church today to open Advent Box 8.  It was the church community in the church building, and there was an air of excitement about this time.  The children took the lead again.  There were many hands to hold the box, many hands to open the box and a young voice to read the scripture.  

When they call to me, I will answer them; I will be with them in trouble, I will rescue them and honour them. Psalm 91:15



Threatening clouds in a dark sky.  Big waves.  A small boat.  A lighthouse.  Rocks.  Lightening.  There was lots to see and name.

After the naming was complete, children carried the box through the congregation for all to see.  It was precious cargo in young arms.  It was a message from God.  It was a promise.  It was hope and peace.  It was another step on the advent journey of waiting.