December 15, 2013

We were opening the box in Sunday worship again today.  It really is fun that way, everyone is looking forward to seeing what might be inside, and today’s box had a battery pack on the back…the suspense was palpable!

Here are the words:

Come, house of Jacob, 

and let us walk in the light of the Lord.

Isaiah 2:5

We opened the box to significant sounds of oohs, and aahs, as the lid opened and tiny lights filled the space.  What did we see?  Humans, walking together.  A stable.  Angels.  A town.  Lights in the sky.  Stars.  Baby Jesus — we couldn’t really see him very well but we could tell where he was supposed to be by the light on the picture.  Footprints on the ground.  


The box was carried into the congregation for all to see.  

We needed to see that.  We need to be reminded, always, that we are called to walk together.  We are called to care for one another.  

This afternoon a group gathered at the church to pack Christmas hampers, and to wrap the gifts that accompany them.  Thirty-five helping hands for 10 families.  We are reminding ourselves and each other of what it means to walk together.  We are remembering what it means to walk in the light.

Come, all houses, all people, let us walk in the light of God’s love.  It is the week of the candle of joy!