December 18, 2013

It is a small verse of scripture today, with, perhaps, a big meaning, and a big challenge for us.

He will feed his flock like a shepherd. 

Isaiah 40:11a

Today’s box came with a note from the creator:

My first thoughts when thinking about this scripture was food banks, especially because I volunteer weekly at the Nine Circles Community Health Centre food bank.  I had also distributed a list of all the place to eat for free in Winnipeg to some of the clients there and I knew that this would be a great list to start with.  The names glued throughout the box are the names of places where you can either get a free meal, or access to a food hamper.

I then wanted to represent people in all their colours and nationalities.  I was going to glue these forms to the bottom of the box, but then thought of the Last Supper.  So I glued these forms to a table being shared with Jesus.

Here’s the box:


Here’s a photo of the list at the bottom of the box:


Sharing food is sharing life.  And, sharing life is sharing food.  No one should be hungry.  We are called to be people who care for one another.

We journey together.