December 21, 2013

There were a few of us gathered around the advent boxes when it was time to open this one.  It came with instructions, in small letters of the top of the box.  ‘Turn on switch before opening’.  The anticipation built as we turned on the switch, and opened the shining box.

Lights, and shining paper.  It glowed before us!

The scripture reading:  And God said, ‘Let there be light’, and there was light.  Genesis 1:3


The lights of the box shone forth in glory.  But wait, if you look closely you can see a word in the lights.  ‘Faith’.  There at the back of the box, suing in the lights was the call to faith.

Faith, that God is with us.

Faith, that we are loved.

Faith, that we can make a difference in the world.

Faith, that hope, peace, joy, and love will come together in the birth of a baby in Bethlehem.


The lights shine and take our hearts on a journey to Christmas.