December 24, 2013 The box is open!

Finally!  The last box is open!  December 24’s services are complete, and it is time to share the word.

Here is the box:


The waiting is over, Christmas is here.

And while they were there, the time came for her to deliver her child.  Luke 2:6

A child, a gift of hope for the world.

Thanks be to God.


This is the last post in the blog  We will post links to new blogs here so you can follow along too.  In the meantime, please follow us on Twitter, @tmucWpg  Visit us in Winnipeg at Transcona Memorial United Church, 209 Yale Avenue West, or check out our website  

Thanks for journeying with us!

Cheers, and blessings

December 18, 2013

It is a small verse of scripture today, with, perhaps, a big meaning, and a big challenge for us.

He will feed his flock like a shepherd. 

Isaiah 40:11a

Today’s box came with a note from the creator:

My first thoughts when thinking about this scripture was food banks, especially because I volunteer weekly at the Nine Circles Community Health Centre food bank.  I had also distributed a list of all the place to eat for free in Winnipeg to some of the clients there and I knew that this would be a great list to start with.  The names glued throughout the box are the names of places where you can either get a free meal, or access to a food hamper.

I then wanted to represent people in all their colours and nationalities.  I was going to glue these forms to the bottom of the box, but then thought of the Last Supper.  So I glued these forms to a table being shared with Jesus.

Here’s the box:


Here’s a photo of the list at the bottom of the box:


Sharing food is sharing life.  And, sharing life is sharing food.  No one should be hungry.  We are called to be people who care for one another.

We journey together.

December 9, 2013

…and there, ahead of them,

went the star that they had seen at it’s rising,

until it stopped over the place where the child was.

Matthew 2:9b


The star leads travellers to the birth of the Christ child.  In this box is the scene of a moment of gathering.  The star is tucked along the back, proclaiming the glory from afar.  This scene has the angel too, and shepherds and sheep.  It is a coming together moment, a moment of hope and peace.

In much of today’s world it is difficult to see the stars.  You have to be away from a city.  You have to be away from the ‘light pollution’ to really be able to experience the darkness of night in which the stars can shine.  Seeing the stars is a novelty for many, we prefer the safety and security of the nighttime artificial light for our paths.

Maybe that’s part of what we have lost.  By making the cities and beyond safer with night lights, we have lost the mystery and the wonder of the guiding light of the stars.  Maybe the light of a star could invite us to gather and to know the true gift of life.

ahead of them went the star…