December 20, 2013

Like in the other boxes that we have opened, there is a powerful message in the details of this box.  It is the tiny little details of the pictures that stand in the midst of the image.  There are people helping people, there is Christ in their midst.

Here is the photo:


The scripture is 

God gives power to the faint, and strengthens the powerless.  Isaiah 40:29

The box portrays the need for us to be the hands and feet of Christ.  There are images of people helping each other by packing food hampers, by fixing a tire, by sharing a meal, by sharing shoes, by helping someone walk.  It is an image of people doing what they do best, when they are at their best; caring for one another.

At the Women’s Canadian Club the other day, Ron Robinson said that ‘Good ideas express themselves in actions.’  He was talking about Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, but it extends here too.  To strengthen the powerless is not just spiritual, or magical, it requires our actions.

May we be inspired.

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